Espai de la Via Mètrica dels FGC


The Espai de la Via Mètrica is a museum that focuses on the history of the rail network known today as the Llobregat-Anoia Line. This museum is located in the vicinity of the Martorell-Central stations of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya and Martorell-Central of ADIF and exhibits an extensive collection of historical vehicles that were previously scattered in various storage sites.

Throughout the tour scheduled for the visits, the groups will be guided and will receive explanations from specialized staff of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC). The visitable space consists of historical pieces belonging to the company, own explanatory posters where the origin of the exhibited pieces, commemorative librettos and a permanent exhibition of FGC is explained. Access to the premises is adapted for strollers and people with reduced mobility, toilets, safety service and free parking. 

The vehicles that are preserved are classified as historical heritage and have been restored by Ferrocarrils. The Via Mètrica Space can be visited free of charge by prior reservation. It can be processed through the FGC Heritage website:

Correu electrònic

C/ Montserrat, 90B
08760 Martorell Barcelona
